Instrument Scientist
Instrument Scientist
Instrument Scientist
Study of a large variety of samples ranging from liquids, solutions, glasses, polymers, and nanocrystalline materials to long-range-ordered crystals.
NOMAD is a high-flux, medium-resolution diffractometer that uses a large bandwidth of neutron energies and extensive detector coverage to carry out structural determinations of local order in crystalline and amorphous materials. It enables studies of a large variety of samples ranging from liquids, solutions, glasses, polymers, and nanocrystalline materials to long-range-ordered crystals. The enhanced neutron flux at SNS, coupled with the advanced neutron optics and detector features of NOMAD, allows for unprecedented access to high-resolution pair distribution functions, small-contrast isotope substitution experiments, small sample sizes, and parametric studies.
Beam line | 1B |
Moderator | decoupled poisoned supercritical hydrogen |
Moderator-to-sample distance | 19.5 m |
Sample-to-detector distance | 0.5 – 3 m |
Wavelength range | 0.1 – 3 Å |
Momentum transfer range | 0.04 – 100 Å-1 |
Detector angular range | 3 – 175° scattering angle |
Initial coverage | 4.0 steradian |
Full detector complement | 8.2 steradian |
Flux on sample | ~1 × 108 neutrons cm-2 sec-1 |
Automated Sample Changer with Cobra Cryostream | 90-500K, vanadium sample cans, quartz capillaries, NMR & kapton tubes |
Orange Cryostat | 2-310K, vanadium sample cans |
ILL furnace | Room temperature -1200C, vanadium sample cans (Compatibility of sample with vanadium at high temperatures required) |
Aerodynamic levitator | 800-3000K, container-less solid samples |
High Voltage Stick | +-10kV at room temperature, no temperature control, ceramic solids |
Gas Handling Panel | 2-310K in Cryostat + gas handling, vanadium sample cans |
More information can be found in this NOMAD overview presentation or "The Nanoscale Ordered Materials Diffractometer NOMAD at the Spallation Neutron Source SNS," published in Nucl. Inst. and Meth. B.
Instrument Scientist
Instrument Scientist
Instrument Scientist
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle LLC for the US Department of Energy