SAXS and SANS Joint Access Pilot Program
A pilot program for joint access to SAXS and SANS has been established between the Bio-SANS beam line at HFIR and the state-of-art LiX beam line at NSLS-II.
The users still submit beam time applications through existing regular proposal mechanisms with either facility (PASS system at BNL; IPTS system at ORNL). In the proposal system, the user needs to choose the additional facility desired to access and to justify the request for the other facility explicitly in the proposal text. In particular, they would address the necessity of using the other kind of probe.
Proposals may be accepted at one facility and declined for the other facility. Only proposals approved at both facilities are eligible for the pilot joint access program. Beam line scientists from both beam lines will coordinate with users for beam time allocation and beam line access.
For more information on the program, please contact Bio-SANS beam line scientist Wellington Leite (
Bio-SANS Data Reduction: Jupyter Notebook
Bio-SANS Data Reduction: Parameters
JoVE Tutorial
Bio-SANS Data Reduction (2020)
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