Instrument Scientist
BWAVES (Broadband Wide-Angle VElocity Selector spectrometer), is a neutron spectrometer that can select the velocity (that is, the wavelength) of detected neutrons after they are scattered by a sample. It is the first inverted geometry spectrometer where the energy of detected neutrons can be chosen mechanically by a wide-angle velocity selector, irrespective of limitations imposed by crystal analyzers or filters.
BWAVES will serve as a gateway (and often as the one-stop) spectrometer for neutron scattering studies of dynamics in a broad range of materials, in the same manner as the SANS and neutron diffraction instruments serve as gateways for structural studies.
BWAVES features and capabilities will include:
BWAVES will be optimized for bioscience and chemical science, as well as for studying novel materials such as for energy applications, novel soft matter such as recyclable polymers, and for better understanding the biological processes in emerging biotechnologies and medical technologies. It will also enable measurements of both vibrational and relaxational excitations within the same continuous scattering spectra.
Table of standard operation parameters.
Energy resolution at the elastic line | 0.020 meV, FWHM |
Maximum energy transfer | ~ 1000 meV |
Inelastic energy resolution, ΔE/E | 2.0-2.5% up to 60 meV; 3.0-4.5% up to 250 meV |
Momentum transfer at the elastic line | 0.2 Å-1 - 0.8 Å-1 |
Maximum momentum transfer | ~ 20 Å-1 |
Momentum transfer resolution at the elastic line | ~ 0.1 Å-1 |
“A concept of a broadband inverted geometry spectrometer for the Second Target Station at the Spallation Neutron Source”. E. Mamontov, C. Boone, M. J. Frost, K. W. Herwig, T. Huegle, J. Y. Y. Lin, B. McCormick, W. McHargue, A. D. Stoica, P. Torres, and W. Turner, Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 045101 (2022),
doi: 10.1063/5.0086451
"Broadband Wide-Angle VElocity Selector (BWAVES) neutron spectrometer designed for the SNS Second Target Station". E. Mamontov, H. N. Bordallo, O. Delaire, J. Nickels, J. Peters, G. J. Schneider, J. C. Smith and A. P. Sokolov, EPJ Web of Conferences 272, 02003 (2022), doi:10.1051/epjconf/202227202003
Instrument Scientist
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle LLC for the US Department of Energy