The tumbler sample changer is compatible with titanium cells and holds four samples. The tumbler rotates samples to ensure a homogenous mixture during the neutron’s flight path through the sample.
The Peltier sample changer holds 12 samples and has four temperature regions, with a temperature range of -10°C-150°C.
The dome cell sample changer holds four samples. The dome style pressure cells can achieve 1kbar of pressure with CO2, CH4, He, N2 and Ar gases. The dome cells have heating rod temperature control up to 200°C with a manifold for mixing gases.
The McHugh pressure cell can achieve a pressure of 2 kbar for CO2, CH4, He, N2 and Ar, with water bath temperature control from 10-80°C. The cell body end section is exchanged to achieve the Extended Angle pressure cell.
The titanium cell changer holds nine samples.
The banjo cell changer holds 15 banjo cells. Spacers are available for banjo cells sizes 1mm, 2mm, and 5mm flight path.
The flat plate sample changer holds copper NIST style cells. Copper cells pictured right to left, banjo cell holder, open path cell, 0.5 mm path, 1.0 mm path, and 2.0 mm path.
The atmosphere tube furnace has a maximum temperature of 1050°C. The open tube allows gas flow or air exposure in the tube.
The ILL furnace is a vacuum furnace with an operating temperature up to 1300°C.
Mag-H can achieve up to 5T horizontal field. With the addition of a closed cycled refrigerator (ccr), samples can reach a minimum temperature of 5 K.
Mag-G can achieve an 11T field and has the capability to reach a minimum temperature of 0.05 K with a dilution refrigerator insert.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle LLC for the US Department of Energy