TOPAZ has the Cryogoniometer commissioned in February 2020 for data collection in the temperature range of 5 K to 300 K.
Please visit the ORNL User Facilities Sample Handling and Shipping page.
Resources are available to help reduce and analyze the data collected during your experiment. Data is accessed and reduced remotely on the SNS analysis cluster using mantid. A good tool to obtain a summary of your measured data is through ONCat. Visit the Data Management page for more information.
Step by step instructions for TOPAZ Data Access.
Data Reduction scripts are stored in the /SNS/TOPAZ/IPTS-xxxxx/shared/ReductionGUI folder in the analysis computer, Calibration and spectrum files are located in the /SNS/TOPAZ/IPTS-xxxxx/shared/calibration folder, where IPTS-xxxxx is the IPTS number for individual user experiment.
TOPAZ Data are reduced into the SHELX HKLF 2 format using mantid python script in the ReductionGUI folder:
Instructions for data reduction and tutorial documents are located in /SNS/TOPAZ/IPTS-xxxxx/shared/Documents folder.
Intent to Publish
As a condition for performing nonproprietary research, the US Department of Energy requires users to publish results from their research. Authorship of publications based on research from these facilities should reflect the normal considerations of recognizing collaborations. It is also important to take into account the considerable efforts of the instrument scientists in their role of designing, constructing, and/or operating the instrument and related facilities. Results are typically published in peer-reviewed journals, proceedings, or presentations at technical conferences. Proprietary users are not required to publish.
Credit Line
Publication Record
Please submit publications, thesis, patents, etc., to PuSH (Publications of SNS and HFIR) to assist us in recording your contribution. Both the credit statement and links to PuSH are on the Neutron Sciences Publications website.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle LLC for the US Department of Energy